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Empowering Futures: Hetu Charitable Trust's Upskilling Initiatives

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Why Skilling is Important ?

The youth comprises over one-third of the Indian population which in turn constitutes a major part of the labour force of the country. A country like India which has a huge young population can reap better benefits from the demographic dividend if its youth are better skilled and employable. It is crucial for the energy of the underprivileged youth to be channelized properly with proper direction to aid economic growth and nation building.

What we do for the Skilling?

Hetu Charitable Trust is dedicated to skilling individuals for success in today's dynamic workforce. Through vocational training programs, workshops, and mentorship initiatives, we equip participants with essential skills and knowledge. Our tailored approach ensures that learners acquire industry-relevant competencies, empowering them to pursue sustainable livelihoods and contribute meaningfully to their communities. By bridging the gap between education and employment, we pave the way for economic empowerment and social upliftment, fostering a brighter future for all.

How we work


Alexa Young, CA

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