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Shiksha Na Ruke
Join hands to support the education of less privileged children

Your Support is crucial in ensuring education for all

After a gap of two years, schools have reopened. Watching children go back to school, meet their friends, share lunch and play together has been a moment to rejoice. But this is just one side of the fence.
The pandemic affected every child, but some suffered more than others. Children from socio-economically weaker sections, tribal belts, remote rural areas and urban slums, became the worst sufferers. When the schools were shut, only about 28% of children living in rural areas and slums had access to digital learning. Education came to a halt for lakhs of children, who had already been struggling in the pre-pandemic world.
Hetu Foundation, through its 'Shiksha Na Ruke' initiative, has been helping children from difficult circumstances get back to school and restart their lives positively, and with hope. 

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Key Intervention Under Shiksha Na Ruke

  • Primary and Secondary education for children

  • Vocational Education & Skill training

  • Regular health check-ups & nutrition support

  • Music, sports, life skills education to promote socio-emotional well being

  • Training and capacity building of teachers

  • Merit based scholarships for girl children focused on holistic development

Shiksha on Ground

Knowledge Hub

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